1. What is SalesMate+?
SalesMate+ is an inexpensive and complete point of sale software package for all kinds of shops and business firms.
2. What all types of business enterprises can use this software?
This Software is suitable for all types of business environments, sales transactions as well as services. You can also track all kinds of income and expense, Add customers, can allow credit if needed and is flexible according to your own needs.
3. What are the main facilities and options in sales mate+?
Sales mate+ facilitates full inventory and customer tracking, provisions for conducting sales as well as services, provision for setting category wise selling price, printing Various types of reports and customized bills, information about re-orders, back-up & restore data option, different levels of Security, Bar code reader and other POS hardware support, product customization using COM Plug-in technology.
4. Which all Operating systems SalesMate+ will run?
SalesMate+ will run on all the 32 bit windows Operating system families (XP/Vista/8.1/10). It should certainly work in 64 bit Windows OS without any problem although not tested.
5. What will be the minimum resolution which SalesMate+ supports?
Our software will very smoothly work on 1024*768 pixel resolution.
6. Where can I find the latest version of SalesMate+?
You can find the latest version of SalesMate+ on http://www.salesmateplus.com
7. Can I use SalesMate+ software without regular internet ?
Of course you can use SalesMate + without Internet Connection. But it will be really good if you have internet connectivity once in a month to check for any software updates so that you can download and install the Updates. If you are using Monthly subscription plan , then connecting to the internet will be a good idea to renew your subscription plan automatically.. Else you need to contact the vendor through E Mail to renew the license manually ..
In any case Internet connectivity is not a mandatory thing.. If connectivity is there ... It will ease everybody's life ..
8. What are the different Editions of SalesMate + ?
The two main editions of our pos software are:
1. SalesMate + Starter Edition (Free).
2. SalesMate + Enterprise Edition with One Time and Monthly Subscription Plan
Also different multilingual editions and OEM versions of this software will be available in the days to come.
9. What are the differences between SalesMate+ Enterprise and Starter Edition?
Starter Edition is a stripped down version of the Enterprise Edition. Starter edition is free and is ideally suited for most of your needs.
10. Is SalesMate + available for evaluation purpose?
The enterprise Edition of SaleMate + is available for 60 days evaluation. After that time period the software will be automatically downgraded to starter edition if you didnt register within this time.
11. How can I Upgrade SalesMate + Starter Edition to SalesMate + Enterprise Edition?
Purchase a full version of SalesMate + by registering the product by using the Help->Register menu.
12. How do I register SalesMate +?
From the Help->Buy|Renew|Register the user can register SalesMate + product. Purchase the registration key from KTS InfoTech and enter registration details in this dialog. The registration name will be automatically updated in the shop name. Normally the registration key is generated for the given shop name. Use this exact registration name and key. All the bills printed will have this Registration name/Shop name.
13. How long I can use this software? Does it have any time limitation?
You can use this software as long as you need it. There is no time limitation once you register this product. You can also continue to use the starter edition of the software but some of its functionalities (as in the enterprise edition) will be disabled.
14. Do you offer technical support?
Yes, we offer technical support for premium (paid) customers. When you purchase the software, you will receive free technical support through phone and Email. Also visit http://www.salesmateplus.com/ or http://www.ktsinfotech.com for free updates and bug fixes.